
Full Proposal – NIH SBIR Phase 1

Original price was: $649.00.Current price is: $399.00.

This is a 100% real proposal that successfully won over $700,000 from the NIH. I know because I was the Principal Investigator (PI). You can look it up here.

It can be hard to know exactly how to structure a proposal, especially if you haven’t submitted one before. The NIH is very particular and it requires skill to craft a proposal that will win over reviewers. Understand what a successful proposal looks like and save yourself hours of research, re-writing, and failed attempts.

You won’t find full proposals like this available anywhere else.

This approach is guaranteed to save you hours of research and gives you a head start to securing real money for your business. This is how I increased my SBIR funding hit rate from 15-20% (the average) to over 80%.

Believe me, this is money well spent and a resource I would have gladly paid for when I was seeking my first NIH SBIR Phase 1 funding.

Other than some minor redactions for confidential information like names and identifying information this proposal is 100% the original submitted to the NIH SBIR Review Panel.



Note: Only preview images contain blurred text. The purchased download contains the full unblurred text.